BYODD Opt-in Initiative - Frequently Asked Questions
What is BYODD?
Bring Your Own Designated Device (BYODD) is an opt-in initiative that allows students to bring in personal technology devices to school to be used for educational purposes under the direction of a teacher. In our school this refers to iPads.
Why ONE device?
At RBPS we have incorporated the use of iPads in our teaching and learning programs for over 10 years. Throughout our journey teachers have embed the authentic use of iPads across all curriculum areas. Having a single platform that reflects the one already used by students and teachers at RBPS will enable better support and structure.
What training do the teachers have to implement this program successfully?
Staff knowledge and skills utilising iPads to enhance teaching and learning has been supported through a continued commitment to ongoing professional development as outlined in our strategic directions. Working in partnership with the Apple Education team we have expert staff, qualified as Apple Learning Leaders across all stages of development.
I already have a device at home, can I use that? Which device is recommended?
If you currently own a 8th generation iPad with a minimum storage capacity of 32GB this can be used as your device.
In order to support student learning across three years (4-6) students are asked to bring in the latest generation iPad with a minimum storage capacity of 32GB.
9th and 10th generation devices are the latest iPads released by Apple and support the smart keyboard which can act as a protective cover. Students will be able to effortlessly attach and use keyboard features without having to worry about charging and blue tooth connectivity. An option you may wish to look into as your child progresses.
We recommend that devices are WIFI only not cellular. Not 4 or 5G compatible.
Where do I buy the device?
You can purchase your device directly from the Apple Store or an alternate Apple reseller if that suits your needs.
Should I purchase a protective case for the device?
Protective cases are required.
Do I need anything else?
Headphones or Earbuds which are compatible with your device are required. If lost or broken you will need to purchase another pair.
An Apple pencil, external keyboard, screen protector and Apple Care are all optional.
Will there be an internet filter applied during school hours?
Students will have access to the Wi-Fi while at school. This Internet access is protected by the Department of Education (DoE) to restrict student access to approved sites only. Log in procedures will remain the same as that of school devices.
Can I charge my device at school?
iPads should be fully charged ready for use every school day. In the event that a student’s device lacks sufficient charge, each class will be equipped with a lockable charging station.
If I’m worried about the movement from school and home can I leave the device at school?
Students are able to keep their devices at school in the lockable charging stations available in each room. This is at the discretion of the parent. Please note the school does not take responsibility for damage, loss or theft.
Is there a safe location where my child can store their bag at the start of the day?
All students in years 4, 5 and 6 can place their school bags on the hooks allocated outside their classroom.
Do the students still use traditional teaching and learning in the form of pencil and paper to do their work?
Yes, students will continue to learn about the current curriculum. The iPad should be viewed as another tool to enhance learning.
What Apps should I have on my device?
During the initial ‘out of box’ set for your iPad, the majority of apps required will download automatically. To enhance teaching and learning, students will be asked to download additional free apps, please see attached app recommendations.
In the event that a new app is needed you will be notified.
Please note that all apps on the list MUST be installed and updated regularly.
Are the students allowed to use their iPads at recess & lunch?
Students at RBPS will only use iPads during class time for educational purposes.
If I don’t want my child/ren to use certain apps what can I do?
Apple provide support to help activate Family Sharing and Screen Time. This information is provided on their website or alternatively if you have purchased from the Apple Store you can make a booking and they will support you through this process. Please ensure apps required for use in class time are set to always allow.
How do you know students are on task?
RBPS staff utilise Apple Classroom to manage devices and ensure greater visibility. This application allows teachers to access students learning through screen view, create groupings for easy distribution of resources, pause and lock devices to gain student attention, and even lock students into an application to minimise distractions. Students are able to easily share their work through the Screen View or Airplay.
What teaching and learning will take place in respect to being cyber aware?
Students at RBPS actively participate in Cyber Safety modules at the start of the school year to ensure the safe, responsible and respectful use of digital technologies. We reinforce these guidelines throughout the year.
Staff have been trained in the implementation of Apple Classroom. Teachers actively utilise this application to ensure the responsible and safe use of ICT.
Wellbeing programs including You Can Do It and U R Strong are also embedded in our teaching and learning.
For more information on how to be safe online please visit the following sites.
What if I choose not to opt-in or cannot afford it this year?
Not a problem at all. No one will miss out. Students will be able to use a school owned device.
Please feel free to contact the school for additional information.