Rose Bay Public School

Ever Forward

Telephone02 9371 4800

A to Z of information for families



Academic Opportunities

Rose Bay Public School is committed to excellence in education. We prepare our students with the skills and dispositions to flourish in a future world unknown. Our teachers take the time to get to know students so that they can implement a learning program which is targeted to students’ needs.

Students are individuals who learn at different rates and in different ways. These individual differences may influence how students respond to instruction and how they demonstrate what they know, understand and can do. Our teachers plan, program, teach and assess students in a manner which is fair and flexible, provides an appropriate level of challenge, and engages students in learning in meaningful ways.

We inspire students to seek out authentic problems and solve them using innovative, research-based teaching methods to deliver the Department of Education’s NSW curriculum in the key learning areas:

·        English

·        Mathematics

·        Science and Technology

·        Creative and Performing Arts

·        History

·        Geography

·        Personal Development, Health and Physical Education

Students work collaboratively as they develop their critical and creative thinking skills, ability to problem solve and research skills. As students gain an understanding of big ideas and concepts they are able to transfer these skills, attributes and knowledge across a range of subjects.

Academic Opportunities are offered for all students with additional programs that are targeted to student interests including:

·        Computational thinking

·        Music, Band, Choir, Dance, Violin

·        Robotics

·        STEAM

·        PSSA Sport

·        Public Speaking

·        Visual Arts

·        Chess

·        Languages: French and Hebrew

We also participate in external programs including:

·        BEBRAS

·        GATEWAYS

·        ICAS

·        Public Speaking

·        Olympiad



The school’s First Aid Officer will deal with sudden illness or accidents to students initially.

When there is uncertainty about the severity of the accident, or where it is believed the child needs medical attention, every effort will be made to contact the parents immediately.

Please ensure that we always have up-to-date contact information. If the school is unable to contact a parent, relative or registered contact person, the student will, if necessary, be taken by ambulance to Prince of Wales Children’s Hospital. A member of the staff will accompany him/her.



Regular attendance at school is essential to assist students to maximise their potential. Schools, in partnership with parents and carers, are responsible for promoting the regular attendance of students.

 As a parent or carer of a child over 6, you are responsible for ensuring your child attends school every day at a government school, a registered non-government school, or be registered for home schooling. Children who are enrolled at school attend every day the school is open. If a child is absent an explanation is to be provided to the school within two working days via email or the parent portal on Sentral.

 It is important for continuity of learning that children attend school each day. The school roll is marked daily and all absences include partial, late arrivals and early departures are recorded.  The Department of Education has a Home School Liaison Officers who visit each term throughout the year and check on all attendance.

Please try to make children’s appointments with dentists, doctors etc. before or after school hours.

 More information on the Department of Education’s Attendance Policy can be found at: School Attendance Policy (

Absences: All parents need to notify the school of the absence of the child within two days and provide a medical certificate if the absence is longer than two days. All absences can be entered directly on the Sentral Parent Portal and medical certificates emailed to the school Email:

Late arrivals: If your child is going to be late for school, an explanatory note is advisable. Upon arriving at school, the child must sign in at the Administration office to receive a late note to give to the teacher. Please use the Albemarle Laneway gate.

Early leaving: If your child is to leave the school before the finish of the day’s lessons, a note to the teacher is advisable. These notes are forwarded to the Administration Office. Please ring the reception bell at the Albemarle Laneway school gate. The office will call your child down from the classroom & sign them out in the office prior to them being brought out to you at the gate.


Assessment and reporting

Teachers use a range of assessment strategies to assess students for, as and of learning throughout the year to inform teaching and learning activities. Formative assessment includes: observing students’ work, collecting work samples and using rubrics. Summative assessment is formal testing and is used to analyse what students know, the next steps in their learning and inform their learning growth.

Consistent teacher judgement is achieved by comparing work samples across the grade, stage and against the syllabus standards.

In line with the Department of Education Policy, reporting is a planned process.
Term 1:  a parent/teacher interview is conducted at the end of term
Term 2:  Semester 1 formal written report is sent to parents in Week 10
Term 4:  Semester 2 formal written report is sent to parents in Week 10

All formal reports aim to provide a plain English summation of the student’s academic, creative, physical, personal and social growth over a semester.

Kindergarten have a modified report and Years 1-6 use the A-E  common grade scale in accordance with the Department of Education’s assessment and reporting guidelines. In addition, we report on your child’s effort and encourage students to take ownership of their learning and to set goals and reflect on them throughout the year.

In addition, there are also state and national education tests including:

·        Best Start: school entry test in Kindergarten 
         Best Start Kindergarten Assessment (

·        NAPLAN: Years 3 and 5

·        Check in assessments: Years 3-6

·        Selective high school and opportunity classes: are optional


Before and After School Care
Rose Bay Out of School Hours: RBOOSH

RBOOSH aims to provide a quality childcare service with a focus on learning and development in accordance with the principles of the My Time, Our Place & National Quality Frameworks, which meets the needs of children and their guardians.

RBOOSH is committed to:

·        Creating a stimulating, attractive and supportive environment that is child centred

·        Catering for each child’s needs, interests and expectations

·        Offering high quality affordable care for families in the local area

·        Providing a social and friendly atmosphere that develops skills for cooperation and builds a sense of community within children

For more information on RBOOSH please see their website: RBOOSH- Rose Bay Out of School Hours Care | Rose Bay Out of School Hours Care
Or call them on 9371 5892



School buses run every afternoon. There are 2 buses 600E & 675E. More information can be found on transport NSW website


Bring Your Own Designated Device

(BYODD) Years 4—6. Students in Years K- 3 have access to a school iPad.

 Student use of digital devices and online services in schools is intended to enhance learning, wellbeing and educational attainment as they learn future-focused skills. Digital devices and online services can help students develop the skills needed for digital literacy, creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, interpersonal relationships and collaboration.

Bring Your Own Designated Device (BYODD) is an opt-in initiative that allows students to bring in personal technology devices to school to be used for educational purposes under the direction of a teacher. In our school this refers to iPads.

Please find more information on  our website:  Guidelines - Rose Bay Public School (



Our lunch delivery service operates from Monday - Thursday only. It is provided by Botany Bites and delivered just before 1pm.

Flexi Schools is the online ordering system for Rose Bay Public School canteen. To keep up to date with menu changes, register and sign into Flexi Schools. The order cut off time is 8:30am. To order lunch or top up your account, your child needs to be registered on Flexi Schools.

To order please check the website:


Contact details

It is essential that we be able to contact you during the school day. On enrolment you will have completed your contact details. Please ensure that the address, phone and emergency contact numbers are updated as necessary by emailing us on:



The mandatory NSW Curriculum from K-6 includes:

·        English

·        Mathematics

·        Science and Technology

·        Creative and Performing Arts

·        History

·        Geography

·        Personal Development, Health and Physical Education

Rose Bay Public School is committed to excellence in education. Our teachers take the time to get to know students so that they can implement a differentiated program which is catered for all students’ needs.

Students are individuals who learn at different rates and in different ways. These individual differences may influence how students respond to instruction and how they demonstrate what they know, understand and can do. Our teachers plan, program, teach and assess students in a manner which is fair and flexible, provides an appropriate level of challenge, and engages students in learning in meaningful ways.

Academic Opportunities include:

·        Differentiation            

·        High potential classes

·        Public Speaking

·        Robotics

·        Computational thinking

·        Creative Arts

·        Music and Band

·        Choir

·        Dance

·        PSSA Sport

·        ICAS

·        Inclusive education

·        High school transition program


Communication between school and home

The school makes every effort to ensure that parents and carers receive as much information as possible about day-to-day operations and long term planning.  The main form of communication is the Sentral Parent Portal App:

 This includes:

·        School notices (similar to an email)

·        School newsletters: bi-monthly every even week

·        School reports

·        Parent teacher interviews

·        Lodging school absences

·        School calendar of important events

 In addition, we use Operoo for all school permissions such as excursions.

 If you need assistance with these systems, please contact our administration staff at:

School newsletter

Our school newsletter is published in even weeks throughout the school term. It contains all the information on all learning across the school as well reports on school events. I encourage you to read this to stay up to date on what is happening in the school.

Term letters

Uploaded to the Sentral Parent Portal, this provides a summary of your child’s learning for the term. 

Communicating with your child’s teacher

Your child’s teacher is extremely busy from 8:15am - 4:00 pm each day ensuring the best possible education opportunities for your child. If you want to meet with the teacher please send them an email to arrange a suitable time at the following address:

Teacher: Face to face

At the beginning of the year an opportunity is provided for you to connect to your child’s learning with an information session. This allows parents and carers to meet the teacher. At this meeting the teacher will outline the learning across the school year. Expectations for all students will also be discussed. This is also an opportunity for you to connect with other parents and to hear about the co-curricular opportunities within the school.

If you have any concerns regarding your child, please email their school teacher at:

Please put the teacher’s name and your child’s name in the subject line.


Our school day

School commences:    9:20am

Recess:                          11:05am —11:30am

Lunch:                           1:00pm — 1:50pm

School ends:                 3:20pm

A teacher is on playground duty from 8:50am.

To ensure students are safe, they must not be at school when the playground is unsupervised. Children must be collected promptly at 3:20pm as teachers are not on duty after 3:20pm.

Gates are opened at 8.50am – 9:20am and 3.15pm – 3:30pm. Gates are locked outside of these times for the safety of our students.

To access the school there is an intercom at the gates in Albemarle Road and Albemarle Lane.

Wet weather arrival: Kindergarten and Year 1 students go straight to their room, Years 2 underneath the Canteen Cola and Year 3-6 wait under the Hall Cola until the bell rings and then they move to their rooms.



Our dance programs are run throughout the year by REDed. Students in Years 3-6 are able to audition in Term 1. Our representative dances perform at the Sydney Opera House, Department of Education concerts as well as school and community events throughout the year.

Website: Kids Dance Classes, Kindy Dance Time by RededREDed



If you wish to communicate with any of our staff, please email the school and put the teacher’s name in the subject line.


Emergency details

It is essential that we be able to contact you during the school day. On enrolment you will have completed your contact details. Please ensure that the address, phone and emergency contact numbers are updated as necessary by emailing us at:



Year based excursions are arranged by class teachers throughout the year and are a valuable adjunct to the curriculum. Departmental policy states that excursions must be part of the educational process and therefore must be linked to classroom activities.

Excursions are arranged in advance and the cost is invoiced to each family at the beginning of the term. Excursions and performances arranged by the school are non-profit making activities. The cost of such excursions are kept to a minimum. Permission is done using the Operoo App. Please completed this promptly as this helps with organisation.

Costs for excursions are calculated according to the number of students expected to attend. Refunds for non-attendance at an excursion can only be made when charges have not been made to the school. Some costs, such as bus transport are fixed and so refunds cannot be made. However, in cases where a charge is made for the actual number of students who attend (eg. entry to the Zoo) a refund will be made if a student is unable to attend.

If parents are having difficulty paying for such an activity, they can approach the school administration team, child’s teacher or the Principal personally or in writing. Each request will be considered on its merits and dealt with confidentially.

Students involved in out-of-school sporting fixtures are required to pay transport costs.



Kindergarten children can start Kindergarten at the beginning of the school year if they turn five on or before 31 July in that year. By law, all children must be enrolled in school by their sixth birthday.

School tours operate throughout the school year and we encourage you to check our website for more information:

Schools have designated local enrolment areas. School Finder will show your local area and can be found on our website: Enrolment - Rose Bay Public School (

 As outlined in the department’s enrolment policy, our school may accept enrolments from outside our local area if places are available. Parents are  recommended to visit their local school when making enrolment enquiries.

The school has an obligation to verify the date of birth of all enrolling students, so please ensure that the school sights your child’s birth certificate when enrolling. A copy of your child’s Immunisation certificate is also required. Be sure to note on the enrolment form any allergies, conditions or medications.

Temporary visas and international students: enrolment information regarding eligibility and forms to complete is available at the temporary resident’s program. More information can be found on our website: Enrolment - Rose Bay Public School (

Extra-curricular opportunities at RBPS

Our extra-curricular learning opportunities are below:



Finances & Voluntary Contributions

Schools receive annual government funds based on the number of teachers and the number of students in the school, plus funding to cover minor maintenance of buildings and grounds and the cost of utilities such as gas and electricity.

Voluntary School Contributions

Like all NSW public schools, we can request contributions to enhance our educational programs. School contributions help provide additional educational resources for the benefit of students. Payment is voluntary.

Financial Assistance

If you are unable to pay the school contributions because of financial hardship, you may be eligible for assistance from the school. The Principal will ensure no student or family suffers any discrimination or embarrassment over the inability to pay school contributions.


First Aid

Accidents: The school’s First Aid Officer will deal with sudden illness or accidents to students initially.

When there is uncertainty about the severity of the accident, or where it is believed the child needs medical attention, every effort will be made to contact the parents immediately.

Please ensure that we always have up-to-date contact information. If the school is unable to contact a parent, relative or registered contact person, the student will, if necessary, be taken by ambulance to the Casualty Centre at Prince of Wales Hospital. A member of the staff will accompany him/her.

Health Plans: It is essential that completed Health Management Plans are provided to the school and updated each year. The necessary medications and instruction must also be provided. Please contact the school if you have any questions on: Home - Rose Bay Public School (

Medication: The issue of administering drugs to students in school is one that is tightly regulated. Teachers are not permitted to dispense medication on their own initiative except when the child’s life is at risk (eg. poisoning, asthma attack).

In line with the Department of Education policy, all medication is administered by the staff in the front office who have completed the required training. Students need to complete an ‘administer of medication’ form. These can be obtained on our website: School Forms - Rose Bay Public School (

No drugs are to be on school premises without your written authority, stating:

·        the required dosage

·        information for the drug to be administered. This includes prescription antibiotics, cough medicine and analgesics (pain killers) eg: aspirin, panadol etc.

The dosage for no more than a week should be brought to the front office or sent to school in an appropriate container clearly labelled with the student’s name, details of the medication and dosage and should be prepared in daily dosage amounts, unless the medication is supplied in a form that renders this impractical and/or unsafe. In this situation, other arrangements can be made with the school. 



We have extensive gardens at our school with opportunities for students to participate in a garden club.

In addition, all Kindergarten students participate in the Heritage Project. This project is led by Costa Georgiadis, an ex-student, and involves all current Kindy students planting sunflower seeds for the new students each year. As the students arrive at school they are greeted with the flowering sunflowers. In turn they dry the seeds and plant them the following year. 



Sun Safety: Hats are required at school for playing outside. We have a no hat – sit in the shaded area rule. 

Parents are encouraged to apply sunscreen to their children before they come to school. Children should always bring additional sunscreen and a hat for special activities being held outdoors.

Hats can be ordered from the online uniform shop:



Homework is a valuable part of schooling. It gives students time to practise, extend and/or consolidate work taught in the classroom. The routines help develop students’ planning, organisation, research and study skills. Additionally, it helps to establish habits of study, concentration and self-discipline.

Online resources for homework include:

·        Cengage Readers: K-2

·        Reading Eggs/ Express: K-6

·        Mathletics: K-6

All homework is set by the classroom teacher. In general homework will consist of:

Kindergarten: Teachers may introduce home reading and look words late in Term 1. Other homework will generally consist of numeracy tasks and news preparation.

The Department have created some resources for parents, carers and families of children in the early years of school. The activities support the importance of learning that happens at home. They are designed for you to have fun with your child and to help them have a great start at school. For more information on the booklet and accompanying resources, visit the Helping your child with literacy and numeracy at home web page

Years 1 and 2: Home reading is essential and more formal homework starts such as spelling and activities which consolidate learning throughout the week. It is important to also talk about the book with your child after reading to help with comprehension.

Years 3 – 6: Home reading is independent; however, parents are encouraged to listen to their child read and have a discussion on what is read to help with comprehension.

Other activities may include:

·        Spelling activities

·        Learning/practising of multiplication tables

·        Mental computation

·        Mathletics

·        Reading Express

·        Research projects

·        Writing

·        Preparation of speeches etc. 


Immunisations and Infections

Children entering school should be immunised against childhood diseases as they will be coming into contact with many other children and infections can spread easily. Children starting school should have been immunised against:

·        Diphtheria-Tetanus

·        Whooping cough

·        Polio-Measles/Mumps/Rubella

·        Common childhood diseases

 Exclusion from school for the following diseases:

·        Measles 5 days from appearance of rash

·        German measles (rubella) 7 days from appearance of rash

·        Impetigo (School Sores)

·        Mumps 14 days from onset of swelling

·        Chickenpox until all lesions are dry

·        Head Lice (Pediculosis) – must have received treatment

·        Conjunctivitis until discharge from eyes ceases

·        Whooping cough until all evidence of disease disappears, no whoop and medical certificate produced

·        Infectious hepatitis on subsidence of symptoms or on medical certificate of recovery

·        Scarlet fever 7 days after symptoms subside

·        Ringworm-when all evidence of disease disappears or with medical certificate stating that lesions are inactive

·        COVID: please see current health guidelines

Please confirm with NSW Health for infection factsheets:
Stopping the spread of childhood infections factsheet - Fact sheets (


International students

International students and their families are warmly welcomed to Rose Bay Public School. We appreciate and value their contribution to our community.

Rose Bay Public School offers inclusive education programs for international students who are either short term and long term, temporary residents. These programs provide international students and their families with an opportunity to experience our school culture as well as our innovative teaching and learning, whilst gaining strong English language skills.

The inclusion of international students helps all students develop their intercultural understanding.  Students learn to value their own culture, language and beliefs, and those of others as they engage with diverse cultures in ways that recognise commonalities and differences, create connections with others and cultivate mutual respect. In addition, students develop skills in empathy and can reflect on international experiences which lead to becoming responsible global citizens.



We look forward to warmly welcoming Kindergarten students starting school. Please take the time to view our Kindergarten hub:  RBPS Welcome to Kindergarten! (

Our Assistant Principal: Kindergarten, leads a parent information session in October and Kindergarten orientation sessions are held in November to ensure a smooth transition into our wonderful school community.

Your child can start Kindergarten at the beginning of the school year if they turn five on or before 31 July in that year. By law, all children must be enrolled in school by their sixth birthday. It is important that you let us know if your child has any special circumstances, allergies, health or medical conditions before your child starts school.

When to start your child at school is an individual decision. You may want to discuss this with us or with your child's preschool teacher, carer and/or doctor. Please see our enrolment page on the school website for detailed information about enrolling your child at Rose Bay Public School. Enrolment - Rose Bay Public School (

Kindergarten is an important year of schooling as children formally begin to develop their literacy and numeracy skills. Our whole school community will help your child adjust to school and help them to feel comfortable.

Rose Bay Public School Kindergarten Tours             

Please click on the link below or phone our us on 9371 4800 to book your tour.

Kindergarten Hub: To help prepare your child for Kindergarten and be organised for the first day, please visit our Kindergarten hub. There are lots of resources and a video to view. RBPS Welcome to Kindergarten! (

The Department has created some resources for parents, carers and families of children in the early years of school. The activities support the importance of learning that happens at home. They are designed for you to have fun with your child and to help them have a great start at school. For more information on the booklet and accompanying resources, visit the Helping your child with literacy and numeracy at home web page.




ECOLE MÉLODIE deliver French lessons for students in Years 3-6 before school and during school for students in Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2.

For more information or to enrol, please contact


BJE, Board Of Jewish Education NSW deliver Hebrew lessons.

Lessons are offered before and after school for students in Years 3-6 and during school for students in Kindergarten,  Year 1 and Year 2.

For more information or to enrol, please contact BJE on: Home - BJE or phone: 9365 7900


Lessons are offered before school for students in Years 3-6 and during school for students in Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2.

For more information or to enrol, please contact inSpanish at



Students’ leadership skills are developed, and students given multiple opportunities to use and refine their leadership skills.

Leadership is encouraged for all students, from classroom helpers and leading peers in learning to our formal leadership teams. Our student leaders lead by example as they conduct assemblies, and represent the school on formal occasions, such as Anzac Day ceremonies and sporting events.

All students complete a leadership program in Year 5. As part of this program students undertake a range of activities designed to enhance their leadership and mediation skills.

The Student Representative Council (SRC) is made up of a representative from each class across the school. This ensures that the voice of all students is heard as students work together to discuss and vote on student initiatives across the school throughout the year.



Rose Bay Public School is committed to preparing our students with the skills and dispositions to be global citizens in a future world unknown.

We inspire students to seek out authentic problems and solve them using innovative, research-based teaching methods to deliver the Department of Education’s NSW Curriculum.

The use of an over-arching concept or inquiry question deepens students’ learning as they are engaged in a rich learning environment. This allows students to solve real-world problems using collaboration as they develop their critical and creative thinking skills, ability to problem solve, research skills and ability to prioritise.

As students gain an understanding of big ideas and concepts, they are able to transfer these skills, attributes and knowledge across a range of subjects.

Teachers use learning spaces in a variety of ways, each with a dedicated learning purpose to encourage students to maximise their potential. With a focus on excellence, teachers are able to use student-centred teaching and learning principles that move students forward on the learning continuum.


Library- Innovative learning centre

As a newly upgraded innovative learning centre, our library is an integral part of the school’s educational program. Each week, all classes, with their teachers use the library’s resources and the skills of the Teacher/Librarian, to enhance the work being studied in the classroom.

Students are also encouraged to borrow regularly from the library and set aside a time each week to allow them to do so. The library is also open before school and at lunch time.

The Premier’s Reading Challenge aims to encourage a love or reading for leisure and pleasure. Children are encouraged to read 20 books (30 for K-2) and it opens  in February and runs until August.  

STEAM and robotics learning are also conducted in the multi-purpose learning space in the library.



We have a dedicated music program K-6 for all students. This program provides all students with the fundamental knowledge, skills and understanding of music and compliments the other co-curricular music programs. 

School Band

Our school band management is changing. Stay tuned for more information for 2025. Please contact the school if you have any questions. 


Our school newsletter is published on the Sentral Parent Portal on Friday of even weeks throughout the school term. It contains all the information on all learning across the school and school events. It is also available on our school website via the following link:


Parents and carers

We encourage parents to be involved in their children’s learning, activities and progress throughout the year in many ways including:

·        Meet the teacher nights

·        Attending interviews

·        Attending school events

·        Volunteering where possible

·        Attending P&C meetings


Parents and Citizens’ Association (P&C)

The P&C is made up of parents and carers, teachers and community members. All parents are invited to attend P&C Association meetings.

The P&C meets each term to contribute to decision-making, developing policies and management plans as well as fundraising.

Rose Bay Public School’s Parents and Citizens’ Association (P&C) provides an open forum for communication and discussion about educational philosophy and general school policy, the school curriculum and new trends associated with education and everyday school practices.

 It aims to liaise as much as possible with the school and the teachers. P&C meetings are not for the discussion of specific, individual problems, which should be discussed privately with the teacher and/or the Principal.

The P&C raises money to provide additional equipment for our children at school. Throughout the year fund raising activities are held and your participation in these activities is encouraged.

The P&C has supported the school by providing:

·        quality literacy resources for the library, home reading and guided reading for all students K-6.

-    new PSSA shirts
-    supporting the new playground
-    mathematics resources to support the new curriculum
-    school blazers for our student leaders

Executive and Sub Committee positions

President:  Gabi Stern

Co Vice Presidents: TBC

Treasurer: TBC

Secretary: Bindi Beckman

Class Parent Coordinator: TBC

In November, the P&C elect the executive and subcommittee positions at the AGM.

Class parents

At the beginning of each year a class parent coordinator volunteers to coordinate communication for parents. Please see the P&C website for more information.

Contact: email: Rose Bay Public School P&C Association  


Rose Bay Out of School Hours: RBOOSH

Before and after school care

RBOOSH aims to provide a quality childcare service with a focus on learning and development in accordance with the principles of the My Time, Our Place & National Quality Frameworks, which meets the needs of children and their guardians.

RBOOSH is committed to:

·        Creating a stimulating, attractive and supportive environment that is child centred

·        Catering for each child’s needs, interests and expectations

·        Offering high quality affordable care for families in the local area

·        Providing a social and friendly atmosphere that develops skills for cooperation and builds a sense of community within children

For more information on RBOOSH please see their website:

RBOOSH- Rose Bay Out of School Hours Care | Rose Bay Out of School Hours Care

Or call them on 9371 5892


(Special Religious Education and Special Ethics Education)

Classes are held on a Monday. The right of approved groups to hold SRE classes in schools is legislated. SRE is an integral part of school activities, taking place in school hours and under the jurisdiction of the school. Students will be sent to the SRE class identified by you on the enrolment form.

If for any reason you wish to change the SRE class attended or withdraw your child from Religious Instruction, please notify the school in writing.

SEE classes are also offered for children.


Specialist personnel

School Counsellor:

The Department provides each school with the services of a trained school counsellor/psychologist on a shared basis to support students.

School counselling staff are members of the school learning and support team. A teacher may recommend the service by referring the student to the team. Parents and carers may also refer their child directly to the school counselling service and students can self-refer. The school counselling service can:

·        support students and parents and carers across a range of areas including assisting parents with making decisions about their child’s education

·        assess a student’s learning and behaviour

·        help teachers and students identify and address disabilities that may affect learning

·        liaise with other agencies regarding student wellbeing.

 School counselling is a confidential service.

Children are usually referred to the counsellor through the school’s Learning Support team. Parental approval is sort when psychometric testing is considered necessary.

The Counsellor may also advise class teachers involved in presenting aspects of the Student Welfare and Personal Development programs.


English as an Additional Language or Dialect  (EAL/D )

Our EAL/D teacher works with our classroom teachers to enhance identified students’ literacy skills.

Learning and Support Teacher (LaST)

LaST allocations are determined each year by the Department of Education. The role of the LaST is to assist in the development and delivery of programs to assist students with learning needs in literacy and numeracy. The LaST works in conjunction with the classroom teacher and where possible, with parents.


High Potential and Gifted Education Teacher (HPGE)

A specialist HPGE teacher works with classroom teachers and students across the school delivering targeted learning opportunities. In addition, students are given the opportunity to be involved in a number of programs within school as well as external programs including: Bebras Computational Thinking, Math’s Olympiad and GATEWAYs.


School Learning Support Officers

School learning support officers, under the supervision and direction of a teacher, assist in classroom activities, school routines, and the care and management of students with special needs. Generally, their role includes assisting teachers in school to:

·        implement personalised learning support plans

·        provide opportunities for students to develop personal, social, independent, living and pre-vocational skills

·        attend to the personal care needs of students, and

·        operate audio-visual aids, duplicating, issuing learning materials and clerical duties.



STEM/STEAM is an acronym for the integration of the individual disciplines, science, technology, engineering, (the) arts including English, and mathematics. Increasingly in the outside world these areas of work are integrated. This can be found across the work force. An example is in medical research, where scientists apply many different types of thinking skills as they use the scientific process, data, computing and coding to analyse and English skills to report.

We prepare our students for the future world by integrating these into learning. Students work collaboratively to solve real problems using a number of different thinking skills including critical, creative, scientific, systems, design and computational thinking.

There is also a need to teach STEM/STEAM as a dedicated subject. In this way students are given the opportunity to learn skills which reflect how technology is changing the workforce of the future. We also offer lunchtime STEM and robotic clubs.



Rose Bay Public School has a dedicated PE teacher. Our physical education program is fundamental to the acquisition of movement skills and concepts to enable students to participate in a range of physical activities. All students participate in a weekly lesson which gives them the opportunity to enhance their skills whilst developing resilience and connectedness and learn to interact respectfully with others.

Students in Years 3-6 also participate in PSSA sport or school sport each Friday. These sports are the same in Term 1 and Term 4 (Summer) and in Term 2 and Term 3 (Winter). Our school program which includes gymnastics, tennis and team sport skills for AFL, cricket, soccer and touch football.

Each student is placed into a sporting house and encouraged to participate in a number of school carnivals which are held throughout the year. The houses are:

·        Cook (blue)                  

·        Macquarie (yellow)    

·        Phillip (green)            

·        Wentworth (red)        

These carnivals are a pathway for students who excel as they go onto represent the school at a zone, area and state level.

Term 1: Swimming

Term 2: Cross Country

Term 3: Athletics

Throughout the year, students who excel in their sport have an opportunity to trial for Sydney Coastal representative teams including: soccer, cricket, tennis, football, swimming and athletics.

Opportunities for students with disabilities to get involved in sports are available at various levels throughout the school sport structure, from participation to elite. If your child is a multiclass athlete and is interested in representing the school please email us so that we can facilitate this for you. 



Students wear our school uniform with pride each day, including black shoes.

This can be obtained at our on site uniform shop, operating on Wednesday mornings 9:30am - 11:30am, or through  the Pickles Schoolwear website:

The P&C run a second-hand uniform shop once a term. These dates will be published on the Sentral Parent Portal.

Please label all your belongings clearly. Each year we find lots of lost clothing items and return them to their owners. 



Visitors are welcome at our school. Please ring bell in the Albemarle Laneway on arrival and report to the office to check in.


Wellbeing of students

Wellbeing is integral to all that we do at Rose Bay. We create and maintain a safe and warm environment, so students can learn and be happy in a supportive learning community.

Teachers build positive relationships with students, focus on child-centred learning and provide learning opportunities that strengthen the positive wellbeing of children and young people.

We are committed to educating the whole child. We do this by providing learning opportunities that strengthen the positive wellbeing of children and young people using the ‘You Can Do It’ Program. The core purpose of this program is to develop young people’s social and emotional capabilities using the 5 keys to success:

·        confidence (academic and social)

·        persistence

·        organisation

·        getting along

·        emotional intelligence.

Our School RAP helps students to remember our positive expectations:

     R - Respect Everyone

     A - Always Learn

     P - Play Safely